We need your help to Cure and Prevent Blindness in the poorest region of the Western Hemisphere!
Always a great way to start the day sharing our story on North Dakota Today! Thank you for your ongoing support!
Donate at: https://app.givingheartsday.org/#/charity/1501
We are so grateful to WDAY 970 Radio and Bonnie & Friends for the ongoing support of our mission work and helping us spread the word about Giving Hearts Day! It's always a great way to start to day and share how we are curing and preventing blindness!
Listen at the 125:30 mark:
Radio Interview January 28, 2025
Words don't seem like enough to express our sincere gratitude for last night! Our "A Night for Sight" gala was a huge success and we are so thankful to all of our sponsors! Lonnie Bedwell, Reyna Bergstrom Asheim, Dr. Cal Fercho, Pastor Paul Nynas, John Miles and members of our board of directors made the evening unforgettable! Together we are changing lives!
Lucien was only five years old when his father brought him from their remote village to our eyecare team in Pignon in desperate hope of a miracle. He had been completely blinded by cataracts since the age of two. We operated on both eyes, removing severe cataracts and restoring his sight. The transformation in Lucien’s life was immediate. Thanks to the gift of vision, he can now see his family’s faces, run and play with his friends, and attend school.
Glaucoma and cataracts are at epidemic levels throughout Haiti - and our annual medical mission provides the only source for surgical procedures, glaucoma drops, and eyecare for the central plateau region including the city of Pignon.
Both of these devastating eye conditions are preventable with the correct intervention. While glaucoma damage is permanent, medical procedures and eye drops can prevent further deterioration and early intervention can halt the disease before any damage is done. In the case of cataracts, which are much more severe in Haiti due to strong sun and poor nutrition, we can restore vision immediately with a specialized surgery.
when you give to our work, you're supporting our mission.